Posted by Laurence Weider on July 13, 2011

A Canadian study has confirmed what doctors have known, which is that women with breast implants who go on to develop breast cancer have similar outcomes as women who develop cancer but do not have implants.

There has long been a concern among women with breast implants that the implants themselves would create problems with obtaining accurate mammogram results. This study provides reassurance that there is no concern along those lines.

Along a similar vein, women with implants actually have a much lower rate of breast cancer as compared to peer groups in the population.

To your health & beauty,

Dr. Weider

Dr weider

Dr. Weider, a native of Southern California, is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who has maintained a private practice in Dallas, TX since 1999. After attending Stanford University, he obtained his medical degree (M.D.) from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He then completed a one year surgical internship in Los Angeles at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, followed by a four year general surgery residency in Dallas at Methodist Medical Center, and a two year plastic surgery fellowship in Cleveland at Case Western Reserve University.

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